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Fiona Murphy

His Healing Touch

His Healing Touch

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Maggie Pruitt can take care of herself, thank you very much. She doesn’t need the drool worthy ER doctor carrying her away from her problems. Although she is pretty impressed he’s strong enough to carry her size fourteen muffin-topped butt away if he wanted to. She’s been taking care of herself for years and she doesn’t need anyone’s help.
Okay, maybe just this once and just until she can walk without crying. Besides this is a one-time kind of thing. It’s not every day a nearly one hundred pound Rottweiler takes off on her without warning. As soon as her right ankle stops exploding in pain when she steps on it and her left knee stops feeling like it’s being poked with a sharp object she’s out the door.

She’s gone this long alone and really she’s happier that way, really. She doesn’t need some man to complete her. Now if it’s sex he’s after (with her?) that’s something she’s very willing to have the doctor’s healing touch for. 


Chapter 1

Oh fuck, oh fuck, as we make our second turn around, I see him. Damn, he’s absolutely gorgeous. It’s only been in the last three weeks he’s been around. I haven’t been able to not stare at him every time I see him. What really shocks me was he’s smiled at me every time we passed each other. Which has to be wishful thinking. He’s the kind of sexy that makes women drool. I actually have, twice. Tall, at least six foot two, with brown hair the color of chocolate and eyes to match, my first thought was yum. Add in skin the creamy color of caramel stretched taut across muscles rippling with his every move and he’s centerfold material. Today he’s back in a thin white shirt that thanks to him sweating, outlines every inch of aforementioned hot chest.

Is he slowing down? Holy crap he is. I can feel the flush build over me. I frantically look away, terrified I’ll start drooling again.

“Hi,” His voice is deep and smooth reminding me of naughty black silk lingerie, the kind that costs a fortune and is designed to not be worn for long. What the fuck is the matter with me? “I just wanted to warn you it’s hotter than it seems out today. You’ll want to stay hydrated. There have been a few people who have gotten overheated already around the lake.” Talking to me, holy shit, he’s talking to me. I’m already overheated. I’m staring blindly at his chest, not able to meet his eyes. “I’m sorry to bother you. I’ve noticed you don’t bring water when you walk. I’d hate for you to end up sick because of it.” He’s noticed me? Me?

Pickles starts barking, it’s the split second warning before my arm feels like it’s wrenched out of its socket as Pickles takes off after some furry creature. I’m dragged behind her, my right ankle twists as Pickles keeps going. Gravity takes me down and it feels like my left knee is cracking open. Now that I’m dead weight, Pickles yelps at the strain on her leash. My own scream of pain brings her running back to me whimpering. I’m kissing gravel, fighting back tears, trying to take stock of my various aches and pains. I jump in shock at the touch on my shoulder. The gorgeous guy, oh god, he saw all that. Rolling over onto my back I attempt to sit up, somehow jarring my ankle causing me to yelp in pain.

“Hey, it’s going to be okay. I’m a doctor, I can help. Don’t move, let’s see what we have here.” Strong hands run lightly over my arms, making me shiver from the feel of his touch. I hope he thinks it’s from the shock of the fall. I feel warm where he touches me, to keep from embarrassing myself, I fight to focus on the pain I am still very much in. I flinch when he touches my arm above my elbow, his touch is lighter as he slowly works my elbow, nodding with satisfaction when I only moan lightly. When he gets to my knee, I can’t hold back the yelp of pain when he barely grazes it. Pickles barks at him.

“Friend, Pickles! Stop it.” Now she knows he’s a friend, she’s trying to crawl on him to give him kisses.

“Sit.” His word is strong, no need to yell from him. Pickles, for once, responds immediately. She sits, whining as she watches us. He goes back to running his hands over me. At my ankle, it’s obvious something is wrong as it’s already swelling. I pull away when he tries to touch it.

Putting his hands up, he nods, “I know it’s painful, but I need to check out your ankle, I’ll be gentle.”

Feeling stupid, I nod. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be a baby.”

“You aren’t being a baby, you took quite a tumble. What’s your name?” He takes off my shoe, then my sock. His fingers are light as he runs them up the small ball then presses lightly making me moan in pain. Slowly, he moves my foot back and forth. Although a shaky breath comes out from pain there is no urge to cry. Then he tries to move it around and I try to pull away again.

“Maggie... ouch, that fucking hurts.”

“I understand, I’m sorry. Good news is it doesn’t seem to be broken, just several torn ligaments, the usual sprain. It’s your knee I’m worried about, let me take you for x-rays on your knee.”

“Do you really think I need them?” The last thing I want is to be stuck in the emergency room for hours.

“Maybe it’s the doctor in me, still, I think it’s best to rule out a break or something else right away. Here we go, let’s get you up. Easy, take it easy. I’ve got you, Pickles come.” Holy crap, he’s strong is all I can think as he swings me up into his arms. Opening my mouth to argue, I never get a word out, the feel of him against me is the only thing keeping me from moaning in pain. It isn’t far to the parking lot, he gets us there quicker than Pickles and I would have made it. I’m not sure if I’m happy about it or not.

A shiny black Grand Cherokee beeps as he carries me toward it. He opens the rear passenger door. “Pickles, in.”

Pickles hops in, barking happily, she loves car rides. Closing her door, he opens the passenger seat in front, setting me gently inside. I’m fumbling with the seatbelt when it’s taken from my hands, breathe idiot, breathe idiot, tumbles around my chaotic mind as I fight to get my body under control. Pulling away from him, I gasp at the sting of pain it brings.

“Shh, it’s going to be okay. I’m going to get you fixed up. Talk to me, I’m dying to know why your Rottweiler is named Pickles.”

“She’s not my Rottweiler. Her owner used to be my landlord and since she’s a sweet old lady, I walk Pickles for her in the mornings. Pickles is named Pickles because she loves pickles more than she loves bacon, which for a dog is pretty strange. Which reminds me, you got my name, but I never got yours.” It hits me then, making me babble in embarrassment to realize I’m with a man I don’t know.

His laugh is deep and throaty as his dimples flash. “I apologize, my name is Nick Reyes. I’ve been at the emergency room over at the hospital off highway 71 for almost two years, ever since I moved back to Austin.”

“Where did you move here from?”

“Boston, I did my residency there. Then I stuck around for a few years because I really liked the city. However my mom’s constant calls asking when I was coming home finally got me back. I do not miss the winters of Boston, except I’d forgotten how hot the summers are here.”

“At least your mom wanted you to come home. How long were you gone?”

“Very true. My mom tells me it was forever. I don’t really think of fifteen years as forever, as the time flew for me. I was also back for visits at least twice a year.”

My brain is calculating, mid-thirties like I thought he was. It takes me a moment to realize he’s stopped. We’re parked right in front of the hospital. I remember trying to park in this area once when I came to visit a friend. Weren’t these parking spaces tow magnets? “Are you going to get towed parking here?”

“Nope, one of the perks.” He opens the glove compartment, pulls out a hanging decal before putting it over the rearview mirror. “Stay, both of you.” Are his last words before getting out.

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