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Fiona Murphy

His Hostile Takeover

His Hostile Takeover

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A virgin BBW meets an arrogant billionaire used to taking what he wants, and he wants her.

Ellie Shaw has been in love with Greg Turner since she first met him at sixteen. It doesn’t matter that now at twenty-four he still treats her like a kid sister, Ellie still loves him. So, why did her body go haywire when she first met Dmitri Markhoff? Dmitri was taking over the company she had worked so hard to keep going; Ellie wasn’t part of the bargain. She needed the job of personal assistant he was offering, but it was only for three months. Once it was over she could come back to Greg. What she felt for Dmitri was an aberration, she was sure of it. Besides all of that, men as gorgeous as Dmitri Markhoff didn’t look twice at women like her, who wore a dress size in the double digits; they went for models that were a size zero.

Dmitri Markhoff is a ruthless corporate raider and had long given up on soft feelings for women. He enjoyed their bodies and paid for it in diamonds and other trinkets. All he wants is Elise’s lush body, which has the kind of curves that should come with a warning sign; love isn’t something he’s looking for. When he figures out that Elise is untouched, his body goes into overdrive. Even though he’s aware that keeping her is wrong, since all he wants is sex, he’s having the hardest time letting her go.

Chapter 1

“Ellie, everything is ready, except for your Greg. Did you see the gossip column on the internet this morning? Out with Kayla Donahue, all over D.C., into the early hours of the morning. He’s leaving the worry all to you, again. The conference room is all prepared, the proposals are there. Everything is ready, except your Greg. You were up until the early hours of the morning finishing that proposal, and Greg won’t know what’s in it. You know Greg has a hard enough time coming in by noon; why would you schedule the meeting at eight in the morning?”

“I didn’t schedule the meeting Connie. When Mr. Grinker’s office called, they gave the time for the meeting as eight; it was a statement not a question. Please, don’t harp.”

Greg strolled through the door, casual and carefree. As she always did, she smiled when she saw him. Despite her anger, his sparkling blue eyes and devil-may-care grin always got to her.

“No need to panic, ladies, I’m here and ready to go. Ellie, love, could you please get me a cup of coffee, black and strong. Are Richard and Thomas here?”

She did her best to keep the irritation from her features, of course, Richard the company’s CFO was here, and Thomas the VP of sales was here. Everyone had been here for over an hour, except Greg. “We have three minutes, Greg. Please look over the proposal before the meeting.”

“I’ll be in my office, come and get me when they arrive. Don’t want to look too eager, if you know what I mean.”

Panic at Greg’s attitude shot through Ellie, and she closed her eyes and counted to ten as she took deep breaths. Counting to ten was working, so she kept counting. She was still counting almost a minute later when she heard Connie clear her throat before saying her name.

“Ellie, Mr. Grinker and his party have arrived.”

Ellie opened her eyes, and was trapped in the gaze of the most devastatingly beautiful man she had seen in person before in her life. Eyes the color of burning amber met hers with an intensity that trapped her breath in her chest. He was tall, at a few inches over six feet, and overwhelming with large broad shoulders, his build reminded her of a boxer. Hair the color of bittersweet chocolate, framed a face that belonged on billboards. A roman nose, obviously broken once and reset, fit his aggressive jaw and carved-from-granite cheekbones. What struck her the most was his beautifully shaped lips and she couldn’t stop the thought of what it would be like to kiss those lips. She blushed to her roots as the thought completed itself, and although she wanted to be the one to break the connection, she simply couldn’t. Finally, he broke the spell and stepped farther into the room.

“Greetings, Ms. Shaw, I am Dmitri Markhoff. What a pleasure it is to meet you.” He held out his hand to hers. She ignored it and the way her body reacted to his rich deep voice, which carried just the slightest trace of an accent. It stirred something in her that made her fight to keep her body in check.

“I know who you are, Mr. Markhoff. What are you doing here? The meeting was to be with Annatoli Grinker, not you.” Not Dmitri Markhoff, one of the biggest names in takeovers and acquisitions, mainly of the hostile variety. He had started in oil, and there were whispers of illegal dealings in Russia, but when he had made enough money, he escaped to New York twelve years ago—where Wall Street loathed and feared him. He had the ability to take a company in a state of near total collapse, turn it around again, often for next to nothing, and sell it off either as a whole or in parts.

In the last five years, he had extended his reach beyond New York into London and Germany. At the age of thirty-seven, he was firmly in the billionaire sphere and there seemed to be no stopping him. He was the last man a floundering company wanted to see. Even as the words were out of her mouth, she was mortified by the rudeness of them. But he only smiled, before pulling back his outstretched hand.

“Mr. Grinker is an associate of mine, and although he is here today, this meeting is with me. So, why don’t you notify Mr. Turner I am here so we can begin the meeting.” The words were lightly spoken yet the command was clear.

The moment he was out of the room, air rushed back into her lungs and she spun on her heel to get to Greg’s office. She opened the door without knocking. “Greg, we have a problem. Dmitri Markhoff is here. It was a set-up, Grinker works for Markhoff.”

Greg popped up from his desk and seemed to sway as he went pale. “Christ, it’s all over now.” He ran a shaking hand through his rumpled hair.

“Greg! Isn’t there some way—”

“Don’t be stupid, Ellie. If there was some sort of way, we would have found it before now. We’ve been hanging by a string for over a year now, and Markhoff is here to cut us loose. It’s no surprise really; the only surprising thing is that it’s taken him so long.” Ellie was shocked by his harsh tone and the look of relief that was coming over him. “There’s really nothing more left. Just know that you can always count on me for a shining letter of reference. Let’s go, old girl, you might as well see it through to the end.”

Ellie followed in a haze of pain, she just couldn’t believe it was all over. She couldn’t believe how well Greg was taking it. Entering the conference room, she saw that Dmitiri Markhoff had taken the seat at the head of the table. He was staking his claim already. All the chairs were taken except the one beside him. She should have been sitting there. Right behind Greg as she always did, to the side and ever so slightly behind him, in case she needed to whisper something to him or confer on an issue.

She flinched to see Markhoff stand as she entered the room and his men follow suit. Embarrassed, she was quick to move to her seat and careful not to look at or touch Markhoff as she sat down. The moment she was seated everyone sat back down.

“Let us begin. The reason for the meeting today is to inform you that as of close of business yesterday, Markhoff Enterprises owns a controlling interest in Steeltech and will now be taking over the running of this company. For the time being, everything will remain as it is. For the next two weeks, my people will simply review the day to day operations and then submit to me an overview. At that time changes might occur, for now, there will be no change in the day to day of this company, except for you, Mr. Turner. Mr. Grinker will see you to your office and allow you a few minutes to gather your belongings. That will be all.” He spoke further in Russian to Annatoli Grinker and then stood. Everyone else stood as well and shuffled out of the room.

Ellie, however, was still in shock and found it difficult to comprehend the complete change in her world from just a few short sentences. At last, she found the strength to stand, but found her way blocked by Dmitri Markhoff. He was mere inches from her and her whole body seemed to go haywire, completely overwhelmed by him, he was too big, too powerful, too close.

“Please, Ms. Shaw, sit back down. I would appreciate a few moments more of your time. Thank you,” He said as she all but plopped back into her chair, her legs unable to hold her up. “With the termination of Mr. Turner’s position, your position will also come to an end. However, fortuitously I am in need of a PA. My normal PA has, as of a week ago, taken leave to await the very imminent birth of her first child, and her replacement has not worked out as I hoped. Therefore, after reviewing your qualifications, such as your ability to speak Spanish and German, and the fact that you did your best to hold a crumbling company together for the last three years as your boss did his best to tear it down, your tenacity and drive will do you well in this position.

For now, it will be for the three month period that Sonia has taken for maternity leave. After that, I am sure I can find you a position with my company. You will be on call for me twenty-four hours a day and by my side most of your waking hours. For this, you will be paid five times your current salary, which was frankly embarrassing considering your true worth.

Go back to your desk and clean it out. Evan will see you to your home where you will pack a suitcase and enough things for about a week, make sure you also pack your passport. I will meet you at the airfield. We have to be in the air in the next hour to be in Miami for a meeting I have there.” He called to Evan and spoke in Russian before standing, effectively ending the discussion.

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