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Fiona Murphy

His On the Rebound

His On the Rebound

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How could I have let Maxwell Brandt kiss me? I can't stand the arrogant, billionaire who treated women as if they were disposable, to be used then thrown away. Who the heck am I kidding? I’m just as bad because I kissed him back, with a hunger I've never known before. Despite the fact Max keeps coming back to entice me, I stand firm. I won’t cheat on on Kevin, my fiance. I won’t become that person, no matter how badly my body wants him.

Until the moment Max drops a bomb that destroys everything. Kevin has been cheating. His words destroy the illusion I’ve been hiding behind, because I know he’s telling the truth. Breaking things off with Kevin isn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be, my pride hurts more than my heart.

All I want to do is hide and lick my wounds but Max demands I fulfill the promise of that kiss, in a rush of anger, pain, and hunger, I give in. The feeling of being wanted by a man like Max wiping away the humiliation of Kevin’s betrayal. Maybe a fling, a rebound affair, is exactly what I need. No promises, no expectations, and no broken heart. At least, that’s the way it started.


Out of curiosity, to get a look at the fiancée who put up with a cheating weasel like Kevin Jarvis, I find myself looking into the bright green eyes of a woman who makes my body hard with longing. Then the weasel does the unimaginable and introduces green eyes as his fiancée. Even though she looks at my hand like it’s a grenade about to go off, she takes it and we both feel the attraction. We’re both in deep $hit now, because I know she feels what I feel and I’m about to go after her, fiancé or not.

Chapter 1

I’m pretty sure the only reason I’m really here is to satisfy my curiosity about the fiancée. How hard up was she to buy a husband, and a cheating one at that? The weasel opens the door. I offer the bottle of wine I brought, I’m sure it will be the only decent thing on offer to drink. Looking around, I see the money he spoke about, rich hard woods, even darker plush leather seating, only it’s not as flash as I would have expected. Then I feel a frisson up my neck. My eyes find the source immediately, I find myself staring into startled, glowing green eyes, her small sweet mouth an ‘o’ of surprise. Desire to find out what her sweet mouth tastes like hits me agonizingly sharp. Knocked out of the haze of desire by the slap on my back from Kevin, I do my best to focus on the idiot. I know she’s not looking at me, because I don’t feel her eyes on me. Fuck, she is standing right in front of me of me, a stiff smile on those lush lips.

“Max, meet my fiancée Sarah Willock. She’s a direct decedent of Miles Willock, once the wealthiest man in Oregon.” Kevin announces with pride.

I offer my hand to Green-eyes, wanting to curse long and loud. The first woman in ages to make my cock hard at first glance is engaged to a cheating dickhead. Green-eyes looks at my hand like it’s a grenade about to go off any minute. Fuck, she’s dressed in a white eyelet dress, looking prim, sweet, and untouchable. My eyes go to her tits, I’m a tit man, and hers make me hard all over again. Her hand moves into mine and my body goes fucking hay-wire. I can tell she feels the same attraction, green eyes glow up at me in horror. She’s soft to the touch, then strong as I reflexively tighten my hand around hers when she tries to pull away. The strength surprises me, the horror doesn’t. I’m sure prim little Miss Green-eyes is shocked by the pull of desire we both feel. I understand it completely, because I’m annoyed as hell by just how much I want her.

Damn it, she gets her hand out of my mine, turning her back on me. My eyes cling to her, unable to look away. She doesn’t walk with the swing of her hips a woman who knows the enticement her body brings. Instead, she walks with purpose, her head down as if she doesn’t expect a soul to have their eyes on her. Then the dickhead speaks, reminding me maybe she has no idea of the effect she has on men. Maybe dickhead had drummed into her that she didn’t turn him on. If the whole office knew he thought her unfuckable, what had he let slip to her? I don’t like it, it pisses me off thinking about it. The idea of anyone calling her fat, of telling her she didn’t look hot enough to make his cock hard and his head swim from loss of blood. No, she wasn’t the model-thin body type the media force feed as the ideal—which was fine with me. The last model I fucked had no tits and constantly bitched about the amount of calories in everything she ate. Sarah’s body has amazing curves screaming to be taken notice of. If I saw her on the street I wouldn’t think fat, I would think curvy, I would think sexy. We’re both in deep shit, because now that I know she feels what I feel, I’m about to go after her, fiancé or not.

I’m standing by a table leading down the hall. There are five pub-height tables around the living room and dining room. All the tables are set up with cheese boards and charcuterie boards, different things on each of them. The board isn’t the appeal, Sarah has been avoiding me since I got here. One thing about me, I’m not used to being ignored and I don’t like it.

Kevin gave me a glass of wine then followed me around like a fucking twat for the first twenty minutes. Now it’s time to make my move on Sarah. I’m really hoping we can do this without her breaking things off with Kevin. Yes, I’m an asshole. I just want to fuck her. I don’t want anything more than sex. I don’t want her getting any ideas or whining about how she picked me over Kevin. Because, a fuck is all I do. Okay, maybe fuck her, sleep then a definite round two. Just not the whole night through, not me.

The longest I’ve fucked the same woman in almost ten years is about two months. She never slept over, even when she pleaded with fake tears in her eyes. Tears don’t work on me, they annoy the fuck out of me. I always made sure to be gone by the time the sun came up if we fucked at her place. Some people want that shit, not me. If she cuts off Kevin to fuck me, then she’ll get all clingy. Even worse, maybe see me as the one to step into his fiancé role, hell no.

I spot her eying the hallway for the third time then feel her eyes on me. I turn my attention to one of my sales guys. Pretending like I give a fuck about what he’s saying. It works, she makes her move. When she’s down the hallway, I follow. She clears the doorway of her bedroom as I hit the middle of the hallway, my eyes on her. Walking into the bedroom, the room is a little less stark and heavy than the living room. She’s about to close the door to the en suite bathroom.

Faster than I’ve moved in years, I reach her before the door is closed, pushing it back open. She’s so surprised I’m able to get the door opened. Closing it behind me, I lock eyes with her. Bright green eyes are wide in shock as she backs away

“Sarah... why do I have the feeling you’ve been avoiding me?” I stalk her as she backs into the glass shower door. I stop just close enough she can’t look anywhere but me, yet give her enough room that her fear doesn’t make her try to escape me until I’m ready.

A blush highlights round high cheekbones. Without thought, my thumb is up tracing the route. Soft, she’s so damned soft. My cock is hard all over again. Her mouth makes that little “o” thing again. I wonder how soon until I can slide my cock into that “o.” My thumb comes down to her wide, thick, bottom lip. Silky soft, the touch is a shock to a system long used to the touch of a woman. Her eyes glaze over, need blinds her to everything but me.

Pulling her lip down, my tongue flicks out to taste her inner lip. My mouth covers her gasp. Completely and utterly sweet. Maybe it’s the wine I’ve just drunk, maybe it’s because I feel drunk off the taste of her. All I can think as my tongue latches onto hers while I deepen the kiss is she tastes like young sweet rosette wine. A rosette bursting with the taste of passion fruit and strawberries, like sex at dawn—fresh, new, and exquisitely sweet. Her moan fills the room. She startles, damn it. I feel the change in her as she’s pulling away. Fuck, my body doesn’t like it, especially my cock. Despite appearances, this wasn’t my intention when I followed her. Savoring a last teasing lick of her lips, I end the kiss. Her surprise is clear.

I like the way her eyes are still glowing. Although my cock aches I’m glad I ended the kiss, not her. Until she opens up her mouth. “Look asshole, don’t ever touch me again. I’m engaged! That might not mean anything to you, but it does to me. Keep your hands off me!”

The laughter comes out of me unchecked, pissed at her snotty outrage after she just went off like a fucking firecracker under my mouth. “Bullshit. You were with me every step of the way, until your fucking moan at having a real man’s mouth on yours made you fucking wet, and it shocked the shit out of you. What’s the matter, sweetheart? Does getting wet from a kiss shock you enough you don’t know how to react, so you fire first and think later? Yeah, sweetheart, I know exactly what a wet pussy smells like, now I know yours. I can’t wait to find out what you taste like. Unlike your fiancé, I’ll make you feel like a princess. My face will be the throne you sit on.”

She pushes me away, I’ve hit a nerve. Fuck, has he never made her come by going down on her? The thought disappears as her face flushes in embarrassment and she turns away. She’s fighting for composure, I don’t like it. I don’t give her a minute. My hand is on her arm, turning her back to face me. In anger, she tries to shake me off. I don’t let go. “Jesus Christ! What the hell is the matter with you? Is it really so unbelievable to you that I don’t want you? Just because my body is reacting doesn’t mean my mind wants you. I don’t want to want a person like you, someone who fucks people who are engaged, someone who fucks a woman then is gone before sun up. Yes, Kevin has told me about you. I think you’re disgusting. I don’t want the person you are, and I’m not one of those women who can separate the two. Please leave me alone.”

“Sarah, you might not want to want me, but you do. If Kevin told you all of that, didn’t he tell you I don’t give up? I go after what I want and don’t stop until I succeed. Stay with Kevin, or don’t, I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to my cock—which you will be sitting on very soon. I’ll make your entire body shake while you come and when you do, you will be screaming my name, to me that’s the only thing that matters.” She stiffens at first, then gives up, refusing to look at me. Head down, her long hair is a curtain around her, she can’t see me move closer.

My lips brush the ridge of her ear. “My cock aches for you, sweetheart, that’s all I know. All I care about. I know I took one look at your body and wanted to be inside you. I know I can’t wait until I taste your pussy. Will you taste as sweet as your kiss? I can’t wait to find out. What other sounds will come from your pretty mouth, more breathy moans, sweet little gasps? Those are the things I’ll be thinking about until I know, until you are under me. And if I have to think about them then you do, too.”

Pressing a light kiss to her ear, I leave the bathroom, barely upright because my hard cock makes walking difficult. The door slams as I clear the bedroom door. I’m smiling as I leave the party I didn’t want to attend.

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